06 Jan New Year’s Resolution: Practical Tips to Reduce Energy Bills
New Years is a time to set goals for yourself in the upcoming year. From fitness goals to how many books you’re going to read during the year, there are many types of resolutions to choose from. As you formulate your goals, don’t overlook the importance of resolving to reduce your energy bill. Energy bills can be costly, and a majority of excessive energy use can be avoided if you eliminate habits that may be ramping up your bill and cutting into your monthly budget. Here are a few tips that can help you reduce energy costs in the New Year:
Turn off lights and unplug appliances you aren’t using
Even when you aren’t watching the TV, your TV is still sapping energy. This energy draining also happens with other major appliances in your home. One way to trim down your energy bills is to unplug the appliances that you don’t use often. This list can include TVs, DVD players, desktop computers, toasters, kitchen mixers, and even charging cords for electronic devices. You can also save money by turning off lights in rooms that you aren’t using, as well as unplugging nightlights that aren’t needed during the daytime.
Set timers or use motion sensors
If you have a habit of watching TV at night until you fall asleep, you may be able to set a timer on your TV that will automatically turn off the device at a certain time of night. Doing this can be a very effective way to save money on electricity, especially if you’re the type of person who ends up staying on the couch the whole night. For rooms in the home where it’s feasible, you might also consider using motion sensors so that lights will turn off if no one is in the room. This feature works well in garages, as well as rooms with low traffic like bathrooms or boiler rooms. However, if you have pets, it might be better not to use motion sensors, as your pets could increase your bill by triggering lights on and off day and night.
Be consistent with the temperature in your home
One of the biggest drains on energy, whether it’s electric or gas, is poor thermostat management. By keeping your home at a consistent temperature, your AC and heating systems will use less energy because they won’t have to work as hard to make adjustments as you change back and forth between different temperatures. If you find that your home is cold even with the heater running, you should check to make sure the window caulking in your home isn’t cracked and that your home is adequately insulated. During the summer, you should keep windows and doors closed as much as possible so that cold air doesn’t escape your home, prompting your AC to kick on more than it should.
While it may be difficult to put yourself in the habit of performing energy-saving tasks, taking the time to do so will be beneficial to you in more ways than one. Not only will it help you save money on fuel and electricity, but it will also help you lower your carbon footprint. Also, the money you save could be used to power family adventures or other fun endeavors in the upcoming year.