22 Jan Pros and Cons of Solar Energy
When it comes to renewable energy sources, solar is considered one of the most viable options for commercial and home use. This isn’t surprising because the sun is readily available for everyone to utilize. Solar power is also better for the environment because it doesn’t emit any greenhouse gases.
However, even though solar power is currently leading as an alternative to fossil fuels, like everything else in the world, there are advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons of using solar energy.
Solar saves money — Fossil fuels like natural gas and oil can cost a lot of money, with their price fluctuating depending on the companies who drill for them, as well as political climates around the world. While purchasing and installing solar panels can be costly, once your system is up and running, it will pretty much pay for itself as it produces electricity for your home, keeping your utility bills to a minimum. And best of all, the sun is free, so you don’t have to worry about your energy company upping the prices on you.
Solar is good for the environment — As most people are aware, burning fossil fuels has led to holes in the ozone layer, which are currently causing global warming around the world. While people all over the world are feeling some of the effects of climate change now, scientists have projected that things will only get worse if we continue on our current path with how much carbon dioxide we are putting in the air. Solar is a clean alternative that doesn’t emit greenhouse gases. It can help slow down and eventually reverse the harmful effects of global warming.
Solar is reliable and lasting — For hundreds of years, people have tracked the sun and noticed that it keeps a consistent schedule. It rises in the morning and sets in the evening, making it one of the most reliable energy resources out there. While clouds and stormy weather can have an impact on how much energy your solar panels are producing, most of the time solar can be relied upon to meet your energy needs. Also, we’ll never run out of sunlight. At least, if the sun ever does stop shining, we might not survive to notice the inconvenience.
Costs of installation — Solar panels can be expensive, and installing them can cost thousands of dollars. While people who are environmentally conscious may be able to see past the costs of installing a system, others may not. For people who lack funds and resources, solar might not be a viable or desirable option for their homes or businesses.
The sun sets — One of the greatest disadvantages to solar power is that the sun doesn’t shine 24/7. So, when it’s nighttime, your solar panels can’t produce electricity for your home. As a result, during those times of day, you will need another source of energy to fuel your home. Additionally, for people who live in areas of the world that don’t get a lot of sunlight during certain times of the year, solar may not provide enough energy to be worth it.
While solar energy isn’t the perfect energy solution, for people who live in sunny areas of the world and have the funds to install a system, it could be a worthwhile venture. Before investing in solar, you should do your own research to make sure that for your individual circumstances, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.